Thursday, October 28, 2010

How many apples - A Katya Tale

Scene (and heard) the other day at home

[begin loop]
Mrs. Porcupyn: Katya, if you have three apples and you ask me for two more apples, how many apples do you have?
Katya: Three.
[end loop]

Once the above loop played over twice and tinges of exasperation started creeping into Mrs. Porcupyn's voice, I had to swing into action.

Porcupyn: Katya, if you have three apples and you ask Amma for two more apples <em>and she gives them to you</em>, how many apples do you have?

Katya [After pondering over the matter at hand for the appropriate amount of time a kid her age would/should]: Five.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

O or U?

It is poor form to make fun of a typo, but then my correspondent does not read my blog, and even if (s)he did, (s)he is still anonymous, so I might as well go ahead and share this one!

spending my Saturday evening watching MLB, biting my nail and routing for <a>
If the person's wishes do come true, does that mean that <a> wins or loses? ;-)