Monday, December 13, 2010

Katya, Appa's Defence Attorney - Tales of Katya

One night, as I was putting Baab and Katya to bed. [<em>Truthmeter interjects</em>: only Katya because Baab can sleep all by himself now!]

As I was reading her a story, I remembered something I wanted to tell Mrs. Porcupyn and yelled out to her. After no response, I heard kids muttering "Lazy amma!" under their breath.

Immediately, I corrected their perception "Lazy Appa not lazy Amma!" adding that, after all, Amma does most of the work in the house and Appa just sits and does nothing.

<em>Defence Attorney</em> Katya rose up to Appa's defence: "Well, Appa <em>dooz</em> a lot of work too! He reads to me every night when I go to bed!" [Strictly speaking, not true, says the <em>Truthmeter </em>because sometimes Appa watches <a href="">Outsourced</a> or <a href="">Sunday Night Football</a> and neglects Katya at bedtime]

Porcupyn: "Well, that's not a lot! Besides, Amma does so much other work!"

Katya (<em>continues in her role as Defence Attorney</em>): "... AND you give me bath!" [Truthmeter agrees, but ...]

Porcupyn: "That's not a big deal and besides, Amma does that too!"

Katya (<em>presents an irrefutable argument</em>): "Well, you bring me home from daycare too!" [<em>Truthmeter</em> goes ding ding ding as Katya delivers a TKO ;-)]

PS: Appa is acquitted (<em>for the time-being, at least</em>) of the crime of being lazy.

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